From Chengdu to Toronto
Composer/Producer/Artist, Joshua C. Love is known for his explosive and tenderly enchanting compositions.
JCL delivers an eruptive amalgam from the likes of Radiohead and Beck to the energizing and uplifting lyrical melodies of Bon Iver and James Vincent McMorrow.
After releasing 5 LPs, 2 EPs and singles across China over the past decade with Modern Sky (Beijing), Maybe Mars (Beijing) and CaoTai Music (Chengdu/Beijing), Love and the Butterflies, touring incessantly through Asia and Australia, were named Featured Upcoming Artist by Hong Kong’s Rolling Stone Magazine and showcased on BBC Travel for their album Reprieve. They have performed live on CCTV-9, CCTV-1, Sichuan Television (SCTV) and in 2017 were featured on QQ’s Tencent Live to over 9 Million viewers. Originally a psychedelic rock trio, the band has adapted its form and style from prog-rock-like epic-tales to touching ballads that led their most recent albums Reprieve and Medusae into the Top 25 Albums of China in 2014 and 2015.
Following a productive 2016 release and touring of Love’s personal EP Dizzy Love, he has moved from China to North America, spent 2017 writing new material and in 2018 is back in the studio preparing for another release due in August.
Be Still was released on December 22nd 2017 with On the Ground Respond. (Taiwan). And 2019 has seen Love again working with Directors David Mondin and Lance Fernandes on the film score of Exit Point and the acclaimed Strange MV.
Silver in X-Sense, his most recent work, was released July 18th 2019.

Want to learn more about Joshua C. Love, his music, and tour dates? Don’t hesitate to get in touch.