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Silver in X-Sense

Silver in X-Sense artwork by Du Kun

On July 18th Silver in X-Sense will be available globally.

It's China release date will be September 5th (中国:9月5号).

Now, I'm always one for a story and I bet you are too. The tale behind this twinkle is a bit rare for me as it is directly derived from a dream I had back in February. I had been sitting on parts of this song for a while but I couldn't find the voice to bring it to completion. I knew I wanted it to be special, to be abnormal in its approach. I like dancing between genres and slinging the paint to and fro to gain access to a spacial space. I'm not going to get into the story details now because I don't want to load you up with preconceptions, but it was one of those Deja vu style dreams that seemed to run deep through the veins. I know some of you see my dreadlocks and think I'm drowning in cannabis all day, but that's simply not the case. My inspirations come primarily from history and philosophy books. This is the responsibility I believe art has in this day and age; to engage the active conscience. I place this kind of effort into every single work that is published. So if you're looking for music with a message, come on in.

Artwork by Du Kun

Silver in X-Sense will be available on Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, Youtube and basically any platform you can think of for free. Just tell Siri or Alexa to play it. She'll know. And the more you listen, the more we get in return so that we can continue to make more magical sounds.

If you want to support the artist directly, you can purchase the song directly on this website.


(440) 581-4887

©2018 by Joshua C. Love 

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